Sao Jorge, een eiland van de Azoren, in de Atlantische oceaan, ten westen van Lissabon. Willem van der Haghen, een vlaamse edelman, ook genoemd Guilherme da Silveira, heeft er gewoond vanaf 1480.

Desconhece-se quando os primeiros povoadores desembarcaram em S. Jorge, no prosseguimento da política da ocupação humana dos Açores iniciada, cerca de 1430, pelo infante D. Henrique, o Navegador. Sabe-se, porém, que em 1460 já existia um núcleo de população na área da futura vila das Velas e que a expansão do povoamento se fez em direcção a Rosais, Urzelina e Manadas. Cerca de 1480 estabelece-se outro núcleo no Topo, por iniciativa ao fidalgo flamengo Willem van der Haghen ( Guilherme da Silveira) que, abandonando a ilha para viver alguns anos nas ilhas Terceira e das Flores (de que foi o primeiro povoador), acaba por regressar definitivamente ao Topo, onde deixou descendência.

(engelse vertaling van bovenstaande)
One is unaware of when the first settlers had disembarked in S. Jorge, in the continuation of the politics of the occupation human being of the initiated Açores, about 1430, for infant D. Enrique, the Navigator. One knows, however, that in 1460 already a nucleus of population in the area of the future village of the Candles existed and that the expansion of the povoamento if made in direcção the Rosais, Urzelina and Herds. About 1480 another nucleus in the Top is established, for initiative to the noble flamengo Willem van der Haghen (Guillermo of the Silveira) that, abandoning the island to live some years in the islands the Third and of Flowers (of that was the first settler), it finishes for returning definitively to the Top, where left descent.

Ilha alongada com 56 km de comprimento e apenas 8 km de largura máxima, S. Jorge tem uma área de 246,25 km2. Criada por sucessivas erupções vulcânicas em linha recta, de que restam crateras, a sua plataforma central tem a altitude média de 700 m, com o ponto mais elevado a 1.053 m. A costa, escarpada e quase vertical, sobretudo a norte, é interrompida por pequenas superfícies planas costeiras – as “fajãs”. Está situada a 28º 33’ de longitude oeste e a 38º 24’ de latitude norte. O clima como nas restantes ilhas do grupo Central, é moderado, com temperaturas médias anuais oscilando entre 12º C (53º F) e 25º C (77º F).

(engelse vertaling van bovenstaande)
Island prolongated with 56 km of only 8 length and km of maximum width, S. Jorge has a 246,25 area of km2. Created for successive volcanic eruptions in line recta, of that they remain craters, its central platform has the average altitude of 700 m, with the point more raised the 1,053 m. The coast, scarped and almost vertical, over all the north, is interrupted by small coastal plain surfaces - "fajãs". 28º is situated 33' of longitude west and 38º 24' of latitude north. The climate as in the remaining islands of the Central group, is moderate, with annual average temperatures oscillating between 12º C (53º F) and 25º C (77º F).
Wilhelm van der Haegen, portugiesisch auch Guilherme da Silvera, war ein adliger Kaufmann aus Flandern zum Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts. Wilhelm van der Haegen war um 1470 der erste Siedler auf der Azoreninsel Flores, die er aber nach einigen Jahren wegen fehlender Anbindungen an europäische Handelsrouten wieder verließ. Anschließend ließ er sich auf São Jorge nieder, wo er um 1480 mit der Ortschaft Topo die erste dauerhafte Siedlung auf der Insel gründete.

De stamboom vanaf Guilherme da Silvera,=Wilhelm van der Haegen,=Willem van der Haghen (Guilherme is waarschijnlijk de vertaling van hagen, struikgewas) is te vinden op:
Wilhelm van der Haegen Also known for Guillermo of the Silveira, it is our main focus of the oldest research for being ancestral of all we who we have açoriana ancestry and last name SILVEIRA. This is the main reason this project to call itself "Genealogy of Family SILVEIRA". This project has as purpose to register the genealogy of families of the nine Islands of the Açores (since 1450), from its settlers, whose descendants had immigrated for Brazil for 1752 return, mainly for localities of the South region (RS and SC) of Brazil. Attention: We are only tying new individuals with existing others already in the Project.

Er staat daar ook het schild van Guilherme da Silvera,=Wilhelm van der Haegen,=Willem van der Haghen

staat Wilhelm Van Der Haegan / Guilherme da Silveira, met hetzelfde schild:
Henry was responsible for this settlement. His sister, Isabel, was married to Duke Philip of Burgundy of which Flanders was a part. There was a revolt against Philip's rule and disease and hunger became rampant. Isabel appealed to Henry to allow some of the unruly Flemings to settle in the Azores. He granted this and supplied them with the necessary transportation and goods.

First group of Flemings was led by Willem van de Hagen, later known by his Portuguese name of Guilherme da Silveira. They settled in Terceira, and the Flemish nobleman, Jacome de Bruges, was placed in charge. The next contingents went to the islands of Faial, Flores, Sao Jorge,55 and Pico.56 Joos van Huerter founded the city of Horta on Faial57 where evidence of the Flemish people and culture still exists today. Faial was in fact called the Flemish Island and the valley behind the city still has the name, the Valley of the Flemings or O Valle dos Flamengo.

Volgens was Willem van der Haghen een bastaard kleinzoon van Jan zonder Vrees (geb. 28 mei 1371, gest. 10 september 1419 graaf van Vlaanderen (1405-1419) en hertog van Bourgondië (1404-1419).
Jan zonder vrees was de vader van Filips III de Goede (1396-1467).
Filips III de Goede was de vader was van Karel de Stoute (1433 - 1477).

02/07/1439 Segundo James Guill , para colonizar os Açores ,Gonçalo Velho juntou colonizadores do continente e da Madeira e também alguns degredados , e prisioneiros mouros , mais alguns Franciscanos especialistas em construções religiosas . Gonçalo Velho recebeu alguns colonizadores inesperados vindos de Flanders , Artois e Picardy , enviados pelo Duque Philip de Burgundy e sua esposa , Isabel , irmã do principe Henrique.Dentre estes ultimos estava Willem van der Hagen , um neto bastardo do pai de Philip
1439-1448 Regencia de D.Pedro.
1441 Portugal lança ao mar a 1ª caravela.
1445-1470 Gonçalo Velho expande suas atividades nos Açores , desde Santa Maria para São Miguel , Terceira , Graciosa , São Jorge e Faial .
1446-1481 Reinado de D.Afonso V (o Africano) .
02/03/1450 O principe Henrique de Portugal doa a Ilha Terceira , nos Açores , a Jácome de Bruges.
1450 Willem van der Hagen retorna a Flanders , traz novos colonizadores e vai para a Ilha de Faial , proximo a uma localidade agora chamada de Praia do Norte.
1450-1460 Entre 1450 (inicio do povoamento da ilha Terceira) e 1460(morte do Infante D.Henrique) alguns povoadores vindos da Terceira aportaram ao Faial,estabelecendo-se na area da atual freguesia dos Cedros.
1452 Diogo de Teive e seu filho João de Teive , residentes na Madeira , descobrem as ilhas de Flores e Corvo quando de uma expedição de exploração a partir da Ilha Terceira , nos Açores.
1454 Portugal toma as ilhas de Cabo Verde. 13/11/1460 Morre o principe Henrique de Portugal , na Vila do Infante
1461 Willem van der Hagen retorna a Flandres , traz novos colonizadores e vai para a Ilha de Flores.
1466 Josse Van Huertere obtém de D.Afonso V, autorização para povoar a ilha do Faial para onde partiu com mais quinze compatriotas
1468 Willem van der Hagen leva novos colonizadores para a Ilha de São Jorge , onde ele funda a cidade de Tôpo , constroi uma igreja devotada a Nossa Senhora do Rosário e muda seu nome de Willem van der Hagen para Guilherme da Silveira.

02/07/1439 According to James Guill, to colonize the A?es, Old Gon?o it joined colonizadores of the continent and the banished Wood and tamb?alguns, and prisoners mouros, plus some Franciscanos religious specialists in constru?s. Old Gon?o received some come unexpected colonizadores from Flanders, Artois and Picardy, sent for the Duke Philip de Burgundy and its wife, Isabel, irm?o principe Henrique.Dentre these we ultimos was Willem van der Hagen, a bastard grandson of the father of Philip
1439-1448 Regencia de D.Pedro.
1441 Portugal lan?ao sea the 1, caravela.
1445-1470 Old Gon?o expands its activities in the A?es, since Saint Maria for S?Miguel, Third, Gracious one, S?Jorge and Faial.
1446-1481 Reign of D.Afonso V (the African).
02/03/1450 principe Enrique of Portugal donates the Island Third, in the A?es, the J?me de Bruges.
1450 Willem van der Hagen returns the Flanders, brings new colonizadores and goes for the Island of Faial, proximo to a locality now called Beach of the North.
1450-1460 Between 1450 (beginning of the povoamento of the island Third) and 1460(morte of the D.Henrique Infant) some settlers come of Third had arrived in port to the Faial, establishing themselves in the area of the current clientele of the Cedars.
1452 Diogo de Teive and its son Jo?de Teive, residents in the Wood, discover the islands of Flowers and Crow when of one I forwarded? of he explores? from the Island Third, in the A?es.
1454 Portugal takes the islands of Green Handle.
13/11/1460 Morre principe Enrique of Portugal, in the Village of the Infant 1461 Willem van der Hagen returns the Flandres, brings new colonizadores and goes for the Island of Flowers.
1466 Josse Van Huertere obt?de D.Afonso V, authorizes? to populate the island of the Faial for where more broke with fifteen compatriots 1468 Willem van der Hagen takes new colonizadores for the Island of S?Jorge, where it establishes the city of T? , constroi a devoted church Ours Lady of the dumb Ros?o and its name of Willem van der Hagen for Guillermo of the Silveira.

volgens Overigens had Filips (de Goede) tientallen bastaardkinderen, van wie er velen hoge bestuurlijke posities hadden.